Treatments > Preserve Fertility
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Own your reproductive future

Take control of your fertility. We offer open, honest conversations with our team of experts, all from the comfort of your own home.

What is fertility preservation?

Fertility cryopreservation is a procedure where you can freeze your eggs, sperm or embryos to use at a future date.

Why might you want to preserve your fertility?

You're not ready for a family yet
If you haven't met the right partner, or have other plans in your life, then preserving your fertility might be the right option
You're transgender or non-binary

Hormonal medication and surgery can cause loss of fertility. Preserving your eggs or sperm before can give you the option of a family in the future.

You're undergoing cancer treatment
Certain drugs used in chemotherapy or radiotherapy can cause infertility
You have endometriosis
If you have an endometriosis diagnosis but you're not ready for a family, you may wish to freeze your eggs in case you find it difficult to conceive in the future.
Our fertility preservation packages

We offer inclusive treatments for everyone wishing to take control of their reproductive future.

Get in touch, we're here to help

Book a free consultation with a fertility advisor

Future-proof your fertility

Fertility treatment that works to make your life easier, not harder.

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Egg freezing - age matters

If the time isn't right for starting a family, you're transitioning gender, or undergoing treatment then egg freezing could be the insurance policy you need. Take control of your reproductive future with our egg freezing packages.

transgender fertility

Sperm freezing

Preserving your sperm can give you peace of mind for creating a family in the future when you're ready. Sperm freezing can also help a transgender woman preserve their fertility for the future before or during transition.

Embryo Freezing

After an egg collection and fertilisation, embryos that are not used in an IVF cycle can be frozen and stored for future cycles and frozen embryo transfers. Frozen embryos can be created with own or donor eggs and sperm.

Embryo creation

Embryos are created in the lab by experienced embryologists, from either intended parent or donor sperm or eggs. Once the embryos are created they can be used in a fresh IVF cycle, or frozen for future transfers.

Why choose Apricity

Fertility treatment that works to make your life easier, not harder.

  • UspBlockAltImage
    At-home services & appointments
    Speak to a doctor and take a fertility test in the comfort and privacy of your home
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    All-inclusive packages
    Transparent packages that include everything. No hidden costs.
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    Next-generation clinic
    Our clinic pairs fertility experts with cutting edge technology.

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